Thursday, 3 May 2012

Witnessed Edition 1: Imagine if Black Artists Actually Mattered?

Forthcoming publication (October 2012):

Imagine if Black Artists Actually Mattered? Visions of Equality in Germany
Sandrine Micossé-Aikins and Sharon Dodua Otoo (Editors)

Black artists in Germany find themselves – necessarily – in a position in which double-consciousness; subversiveness and resistance – implicit and explicit – become essential strategies to be used in their work if they wish to survive in this predominantly white context. "Imagine if Black Artists Actually Mattered?", the first edition of the Witnessed series, answers the questions of how a society which has achieved true equality could look and what the central role of the artist is in shaping or creating these visions? What would Black artistic practices in the context of such a visionary society look like? What actions are possible beyond reaction and resistance?

This book attempts to contribute to a discourse that is underrepresented in Germany by providing a contextual discussion of the current situation of Black artists in Germany and also focuses on examining how contemporary Black artists in Germany create and convey visions of equality.  

Further Information:
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1 comment:

  1. The name of the book was changed and it was published in October 2012 as:

    "The Little Book of Big Visions. How to be an Artist and Revolutionise the World"
